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Result of Greediness - a short story

         Once there was a young man named John who used to work in a company. He had a senior named Karan. John used to treat him as a mentor. As he was very experienced he had good knowledge in that field of work, he taught John various techniques to develop his skills. John also took his suggestions and used to work accordingly. After few years Karan got to retire, and  John became a senior himself and continued to work with dedication and more responsibility. He was not happy because he was waiting for a promotion, but another person who is with less experience and knowledge got promoted. This made him sad.   

            The next day, he visited Karan who was relaxing in his retirement life. They both had casual chitchat after many days. Some time later, Karan noticed that John was unhappy. On being asked the reason behind this unhappiness  John replied, “I have been following your instructions all these years. Although I  have done good work, the people who have less experience or capabilities are promoted, and the manager also knows my contribution he didn't acknowledge my hard work and I am still getting paid as little as I did before. In this situation what should I do ?. I have a family to look after and am unable to make them happy as per their wishes. How could I be happy about my life" expressed with a low voice.

              Then Karan asked John "You are working hard and do the corporate also believe an equivalent. Do you know if they are giving importance to your role in the company's growth?", John nods his head. Karan advised him, " Take a small break and enjoy yourself for few days and see what happens later ". As per Karan's advice, he took a break for few days. Due to which the company's owner understood his importance as no one has the skills like john. So they promoted John with a good hike since the factory faces problems in his absence. 

               After few months John again wished to get promoted. Repeats this trick, he started to take small breaks now and then in the name of health issues or some other lame reasons .Hoping that he would be given with better hike and role. But this time to his shock he lost his job. He came to know the reason behind his termination is managers were thinking that he's not taking his responsibilities properly, and they replaced his position with others. Even he tried to plead his manager but it didn't work. He rushes to  Karan and realizes he had heard only half of his advice. He explained the situation and asked what wrong he did, to which John replied “Nobody notices a light bulb that is always on. the day it pops is when people suddenly all start noticing it. However, if a light bulb goes off frequently, it is replaced by another one.”. Now John understood that he misused advice.

This story shares wisdom and helps us understand how to achieve success in the competitive world and also tells us the results of greediness.


Hello Readers, I hope you like this story and advice which was given by Karan to John ..yes he misused the advice but we should not misuse advice in terms of greediness. Instead of growth, we will fall off due to greediness.

Thank you πŸ˜„πŸ’—

Arthi πŸ’


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